Welcome to the Verin project website.
We are based in Utrecht region, the Netherlands and working in three areas: IT recruitment, Taichi for companies and psychological counseling.
А unique IT-recruitment company
based in Utrecht region, the Netherlands. Servicing IT talents and clients — in Europe and the US. We can make your IT-team outstanding!We're passionate about challenging the recruitment industry reputation, so Verin Recruitment does things differently. We keep the focus on IT specialists only.
Taichi and qigong training in the office allows people to be flexible. At the workplace, it's important to be concentrated and relaxed at the same time, be productive but not to get too tired, stay focused and switch attention quickly, remain mindful but not to overspend. Taichi/qigong training serves all of those purposes.

Here I am glad to introduce myself as a existential therapist getting my second degree at Institute of Humanistic and Existential Psychotherapy (Lithuania). If you feel difficulties with decision making, you are overwhelmed with problems, you never tried therapy before, because you had no chance or couldn't afford that - I will try to help you.
E-mail: verin@verin.io
Phone/Telegram number: +31 6 28345111
For further information feel free to contact us!
KVK 77795199
Address: The Netherlands, Utrecht region, Breukelen